Friday 15 October 2010

Hotbuys after time

1st you'd think they'd be so so so precious after a few years.... well. look at these ;'/

No.2 - Those glasses, are hotbuys, one of the oldest. And yet, nowhere near as popular.

WOW Those nikes, i'd never think they'd be on stardoll. But where are they now? Totally forgotten, and unseen. This is what I mean after time, id honestlythink that'll be so rare and popular.

This is one of the worst, holding one of the best. It has the scuba, the best. It has that schoolgirl top, bottom right corner which is FREE now, same goes with the cardigan in the top left corner. Pretty weird how they make hotbuys free. They must've forgotten.

Same goes with this one, the hearts bag is free now. :/

You can still buy that black necklace, 5sd non SS. Woww. :/

They need to see there ex hotbuys and think about not making them free and keeping out of the starplaza LOL. :D


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